Workshop Registration

Summer Workshop on BioAFM Microscopy 2023

About event

Correlative microscopy approaches provide unique insights into life sciences research with previously inaccessible data, including physical structure, biochemical interactions, and mechanical properties. Integrating AFM with advanced optical microscopy techniques delivers the highest quality results for quantitative live-cell mechanical property mapping, highest resolution molecular and cellular imaging, fast scanning of dynamic biological processes, and seamless. Our workshop will provide information and hands-on instruction - from the very basics of AFM technique to advanced applications of the technique on selected bio-samples, including practical demonstrations of measurements, even on samples that users bring in.

Please register via the registration form. Don't forget to pay the workshop fee at the Shopping Center MUNI. Links are below.

Workshop fee



Wednesday, September 6th
8:30 – 9:00  Registration, coffee (E35, atrium) 
9:00 – 9:15  Workshop opening, J. Nováček (Deputy director for research infrastructure) (E35, 211) 
9:15 – 10:30 Basics of AFM, Advanced measuring modes, L. Pařízek, MTM (E35, 211) 
presentation (pdf)
10:30 – 11:00  Coffee break (E35, 211) 
11:00 – 12:00 

Sample preparation, J. Přibyl, CEITEC MU (E35, 211)
presentation (pdf)

12:00 – 13:00  Lunch (E35, atrium) 
13:00 – 13:45  AFM data processing, Š. Klimovič, CEITEC MU (E35, 211) 
presentation (pdf)
13:45 – 14:30  Integration of AFM with other techniques, A. Dulebo, Bruker (E35, 211) 
presentation (pdf)
14:30 – 15:00  Coffee break CEITEC MU (E35, 211) 
15:00 – 16:45 
  • AFM probes, A. Dulebo (Bruker) 
    presentation (pdf)
  • SPR, AFM - a study of living cells for the diagnosis of oncological diseases, M. Domšicová (IMPG, Bratislava)
    presentation (pdf)
  • Potential of label-free techniques with AFM measurements, D. Hadraba (IP CAS, Praha) 
    presentation (pdf)
  • My experience with Atomic Force Microscopy, A. Tripepi (CEITEC MU) 
    presentation (pdf)
  • Enhanced cell growth by thin ALD coatings on TiO2 nanotubes, K. Baishya (CEITEC BUT) 
  • Exploring bacterial topography with atomic force microscopy, M. Khýrová (CEITEC BUT) 
    presentation (pdf)
  • Summarization of various AFM data improvement methods and their limitations, D. Kabanov (CEITEC MU) 
16:45 – 16:50  Coffee break CEITEC MU (E35, 211) 
16:50 – 17:30 
  • Presentation of Cellular Imaging CF, M. Ešner (CETEC MU) 
    presentation (pdf)
  • Introducing Josef Dadok National NMR Centre, R. Fiala (CEITEC MU) 
  • Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography CF, J. Houser (CEITEC MU) 
    presentation (pdf)
  • Cryo-electron Microscopy and Tomography CF, K. Škubník (CETEC MU) 
    presentation (pdf)
17:30 – 18:00  Tour de labs (University Campus, CF labs) 
Thursday, September 7th
8:30 – 9:00  Getting together, coffee (E35, 211) 
9:00 – 9:45  Company presentation, J. Horák, MTM (E35, 211) 
9:45 – 10:30  Core facility Nanobiotechnology, J. Přibyl, CEITEC MU (E35, 211) 
presentation (pdf)
10:30 – 11:00  Coffee break (E35, atrium) 
11:00 – 12:00  Splitting into groups, introduction (E35, CF labs) 
12:00 – 13:00  Lunch (E35, atrium) 
13:00 – 17:30 

Afternoon practical session (E35, CF labs) 

  • Bruker Biosoft – Mechanical testing of hydrogels (E35, 2S017) 
  • Bruker Multimode 8 – Single-molecule imaging (E35, 2S011) 
  • Bruker Fastscan – Membrane testing (E35, 2S014) 
  • JPK Nanowizard 4XP -  Cellular biomechanics (E35, 2S015) 
19:00 – 22:30  Workshop dinner – Restaurant Baroko (Orlí 17, Brno)  
Friday, September 8th
8:30 – 9:00  Getting together, coffee (E35, atrium) 
9:00 – 12:00 

Practical session (E35, CF labs) 

  • Bring your own sample 
  • Hands-on practice 
12:00 – 13:00  Lunch (E35, atrium) 
13:00 – 13:30  Closing remarks (E35, atrium) 

Download the programme HERE. The abstract book can be downloaded HERE.

More information

Speakers will be submitting an abstract for their talk. Download the abstract template HERE.

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6. - 8. 9. 2023
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CF Nanobiotechnology
CF Nanobiotechnology


CEITEC MU, University Campus, Building E35, Room 211