Advanced Nano and Microtechnologies

Advanced Nano and Microtechnologies

Research Groups: 6 groups1 group

Prof. Tomáš Šikola Prof. Tomáš Šikola
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Focusing on the area of nanotechnologies, covering materials and structures which can be exploited in nanoelectronic and nanophotonic applications. The research involves the preparation, characterization and analysis of the properties of nanostructures, enabling the active application of the principles which determine the unique and specific properties of nanostructures.

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Advanced Materials

Advanced Materials

Research Groups: 8 groups

Dr. Ing. Jan Macák Dr. Ing. Jan Macák
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This area is focused on advanced (functional and structural gradient, nanostructural and smart) ceramic materials, polymers, metals and composites.

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Structural Biology

Structural Biology

Research Groups: 10 groups

Prof. Richard Štefl, Ph.D. Prof. Richard Štefl, Ph.D.
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We study the intricate and exquisite choreography of life at cellular, molecular and atomic levels. We visualize structural details ranging from cells, their compartments, down to individual proteins, nucleic acids, and their complexes. Through the integration of structural and computational data we reveal the atomic details of the mechanisms by which healthy cells function and diseases progress. This basic understanding helps to develop novel therapeutic strategies to meet the challenges of an…

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Genomics and Proteomics of Plant Systems

Genomics and Proteomics of Plant Systems

Research Groups: 6 groups1 group

Prof. Jiří Fajkus Prof. Jiří Fajkus
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Understanding the evolutionary-based strategies of plants. The knowledge acquired by –omic approaches, combined with our research experience in the areas of developmental and stress biology of plants, is subsequently used to develop new agricultural, biotechnology and biomedical applications in collaboration with potential users and top research workplaces in the field.

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Molecular Medicine

Molecular Medicine

Research Groups: 7 groups

Prof. Šárka Pospíšilová, Ph.D. Prof. Šárka Pospíšilová, Ph.D.
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We are deepening our understanding of basic molecular mechanisms in many diseases, especially cancer. Researchers of the programme focus on various types of leukaemia and several solid tumours, they investigate immune cell microenvironment, transcription regulation, B and T cell receptor repertoires, and the effect of RNA modifications on innate immunity. For various malignancies, much effort has also been made to identify diagnostic and prognostic markers (miRNA profiling, lincRNA, mutations…

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Brain and Mind Research

Brain and Mind Research

Research Groups: 3 groups

Prof. Irena Rektorová, Ph.D. Prof. Irena Rektorová, Ph.D.
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We are creating a unique workplace in the European context reaching from basic to transitional research of central nervous system; from animal studies to clinical, social and behavioural research of healthy and diseased brain, in particular dementia, epilepsy, movement disorders, schizofrenia, depression pain (...) are studied with a core facility enabling most advanced structural, functional and metabolic brain mapping.

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Molecular Veterinary Medicine

Molecular Veterinary Medicine

Research Groups: 2 groups2 groups

Prof. Petr Hořín Prof. Petr Hořín
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Our aim is studying the causes, mechanisms and methods of spreading infectious animal diseases with a special focus on zoonoses, food-borne pathogens and hygiene and food safety of animal origin, the use of genomics and genetics methods for the study of infectious diseases and the reproduction of animals as important factors influencing the survival, health and utility properties of animals, development and study of animal models and their biotechnological potential with a particular focus…

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Industrial Cybernetics, Instrumentation and Systems Integration

Industrial Cybernetics, Instrumentation and Systems Integration

Research Groups: 2 groups

Prof. Pavel Václavek, Ph.D. Prof. Pavel Václavek, Ph.D.
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We are focusing on research & development of automation, robotic, sensors and measurement technologies as well as their integration in industrial applications. Application domains cover namely production technologies, transportation (autonomous and electrical vehicles) and health care among oth

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We are a consortium of six Brno universities and research institutions