Research data handling

The handling of data generated in the Genomics core facility and processed in the Bioinformatics core facility is governed by the measure of the CEITEC MU Director: Research Data Policy, which specifies generally applicable regulations, and the Core Facility Data Management document (below). All users of the laboratory (MU employees, external, commercial and others) are obliged to follow these documents and acknowledge the Core Facility in all results published based on the data obtained at the Core Facility (see Acknowledgment).

Genomics and Bioinformatics Core Facilities Data Management

Version: 1.1.

Applicable from: 24. 9. 2021

1. Data accessibility

a) Data from instruments with standalone computers (qPCR, electrophoresis, flow cytometers, microscopes, other instruments with direct user access)
Data are available on computer attached to instrument. CFG does not manage these data and does not guarantee long-term availability of the data.

b) Data from NextGen sequencers
Data are available at CFG/CFB storage server accsesible to users via secured connection.

c) CF Bioinformatics data
Data are available at CFG/CFB storage server accsesible to users via secured connection.

2. Disk space quotas per user/measurement set

Currently there are no quotas for data generated on CF Genomics instruments.

3. Data storage

Depends on modality:

a) Data from instruments with standalone computers (qPCR, electrophoresis, flow cytometers, microscopes, other instruments with direct user access)
Data are stored on computer attached to instrument which is not meant for long-term storage. To store the data users have to move it to other location (eg. ICS or CEITEC provided storage).

b) Data from NextGen sequencers
Data are stored at CFG/CFB storage server, until storage capacity (200TB) is reached, at least 6 months.

c) CF Bioinformatics data
Data are stored at CFG/CFB storage server, until storage capacity (200TB) is reached, at least 6 months.

4. Preferred way of data transfer to users

Depends on modality:

a) Data from instruments with standalone computers (qPCR, electrophoresis, flow cytometers, microscopes, other instruments with direct user access)
Copying of the data to network storage (eg. ICS or CEITEC provided storage) is preferred. Copying to physical media (eg. USB sticks) is allowed.

b) Data from NextGen sequencers
Internal users can access their data directly at CFG/CFB storage server. For external users transfer via CESNET Filesender or user-specified service is preferred. Data could be transferred to users‘ physical devices upon request.

c) CF Bioinformatics data
Internal users can access their data directly at CFG/CFB storage server. For external users transfer via CESNET Filesender or user-specified service is preferred. Data could be transferred to users‘ physical devices upon request.

5. Destruction of old data

Depends on modality:

a) Data from instruments with standalone computers (qPCR, electrophoresis, flow cytometers, microscopes, other instruments with direct user access)
Data could be deleted anytime (older first) without warning.

b) Data from NextGen sequencers
Raw data are stored until storage capacity is reached, at least 6 months. Secondary data (eg. fastq) are stored until storage capacity is reached. When capacity is reached the order of removal would be secondary data first, older first. Users will be warned when deleting data not older then 36 months.

c) CF Bioinformatics data
Data (eg. fastq) are stored until storage capacity is reached. When capacity is reached the order of removal would be secondary data first, older first. Users will be warned when deleting data not older then 36 months.

6. Data security

Depends on modality:

a) Data from instruments with standalone computers (qPCR, electrophoresis, flow cytometers, microscopes, other instruments with direct user access)
In general data could be accessed by all users that have access to the instrument. Users are responsible to secure their data (eg. separate account when possible, removing data from computer).

b) Data from NextGen sequencers
Data stored at CFG/CFB storage server are organised at Research Group or more granular level. Users can access only their RG or RG subgroup data.

c) CF Bioinformatics data
Data stored at CFG/CFB storage server are organised at Research Group or more granular level. Users can access only their RG or RG subgroup data.


7. Handling of sensitive data

Depends on modality:

a) Data from instruments with standalone computers (qPCR, electrophoresis, flow cytometers, microscopes, other instruments with direct user access)
Storing personal sensitive data is not allowed. Handling of other types of sensitive data is at users‘ responsibility.

b) Data from NextGen sequencers
Users are responsible to handle personal sensitive data (DNA sequences of patients/research subjects) according to applicable law. Using metadata with personal sensitive data is not allowed.

c) CF Bioinformatics data
Users are responsible to handle personal sensitive data (DNA sequences of patients/research subjects) according to applicable law. Using metadata with personal sensitive data is not allowed.

d) Sensitive data collected for diagnostic purposes
Personal sensitive data required for diagnostic purposes are stored only in specified locations of storage server, stored and processed only on specified computers and collected and processed only by approved persons.

Responsible persons from CF: Boris Tichy (CFG) (; Vojtech Bystry (CFB) (

Head of Core Facility

Vojtěch Bystrý, Ph.D.
Vojtěch Bystrý, Ph.D.
Head of Core Facility
Personal Profile


Nicolas Blavet, Ph.D.
Nicolas Blavet, Ph.D.
Senior Staff Scientist, Deputy Core Facility Leader
Personal Profile