Vojtěch Bystrý is a bioinformatician with a PhD in computer science. He specializes in the development of tools for the analysis of large volumes of biological data and currently runs a bioinformatics shared lab at CEITEC Masaryk University. He focuses on building national and European genomic data infrastructures and applying artificial intelligence methods to sequencing data. As part of the international collaboration of EuroClonality NGS laboratories, he has been involved in the development of software that aids in disease diagnosis by analysing immune profiles. This software is now part of the Illumina BaseSpace system and is used to assess clonal changes in cells – his work helps doctors and scientists interpret genetic information for cancer diagnosis and treatment.
He has completed internships at several European laboratories including EMBL, CERTH, Erasmus MC, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein and Comenius University in Bratislava.