Zuzana Kadlecová

Zuzana Kadlecová

Laboratory Assistant

Prevention and treatment of the orthopedic infections with injectable resorbable bone substitute gradually releasing pathogen-specific antimicrobial compounds (NW24-05-00202), Ministerstvo zdravotnictví ČR, 2024 - 2027
Nanotechnologies and novel materials II. (CEITEC VUT-S-23-8218), VUT v Brně, 2023 - 2026
Stabilization of nature-derived antimicrobial and pro-healing extracts for acute and chronic wound healing (CEITEC VUT-J-23-8420), VUT v Brně, 2023 - 2024
Mucoadhesive injectable hydrogel carriers enriched with pro-healing protein for hard-to-heal oral wounds (CEITEC VUT-K-22-7779), Evropská unie, 2022 - 2023