About event
WHEN: 3rd November 2017
WHERE: CEITEC Nano RI, Purkyňova 123, Bulding C, Meeting room - C2.11
CEITEC Nano together with company CorreScopy (Correlative Imaging) invites you kindly to an introduction demo focused on data correlation from various imaging techniques.
Correlative microscopy is conventionally strictly related to the correlation of the information gathered from two types of microscopes, usually: a light microscope (LM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Imaging the exact same location of the sample using various techniques has been a challenging task for many years. Many manufacturers of microscopes often offer equipment allowing such imaging using 2 or 3 techniques. However, that information is often not enough to characterize and describe the sample of interest sufficiently.
CorreScopy has created a new correlative imaging system which allows using almost any microscope and imaging technique user has access to perform correlative imaging.
If you are interested in Workshop, please send us request via email to nano@ceitec.vutbr.cz by Thursday 2nd Nov 2017.