12. Dec. 2023

Fifteen. That's how many CEITEC Masaryk University scientists, individually or as a research team, received the MUNI Scientist Award for outstanding research achievements under the Masaryk University Grant Agency at the agency's annual conference on 11th December, 2023.

Whether it is the winning of a prestigious grant or an award for a publication in a respected scientific journal, there is one thing all awardees have in common. They have contributed a new or innovative scientific insight, method, discovery or finding in their research field. However, there is another dimension to their success, less obvious at first glance but no less significant. The way our scientists present themselves on the international research scene strengthens the reputation of Brno science and CEITEC MUNI, which can then be reflected, for example, in greater attractiveness of Brno to foreign talent, interest of foreign partners in cooperation, better funding of scientific projects or increased awareness among editors of scientific journals.

In any case, it should be highlighted that congratulations go not only to the awardees, but also to other researchers and colleagues from the core facilities and administrative support, because we all co-create an environment at CEITEC MUNI so that our scientists can work on getting their research published in prestigious journals or turned into exclusive grants.

Thank you for the great representation and we compliment you, dear colleagues!

Dalibor Blažek
Prestižní grant Grantové agentury ČR (GAČR)
Projekt: Identification and characterization of a new pathway regulating pre-mRNA splicing

Jozef Hritz
Prestižní grant Exellence Hubs
Projekt: Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostics Innovation and Translation to Clinical Practice in Central Europe (ADDIT-CE)

Karel Říha
Prestižní grant Grantové agentury ČR (GAČR)
Projekt: Biomolecular condensates in plant germline differentiation

Petr Těšina
Prestižní Starting Grant Evropské výzkumné rady (ERC)
Projekt: Co-translational quality control in neuronal tissue and its role in neurodegeneration and ageing

Tibor Füzik, Marta Šiborová
Článek v Nature Communications
Tail proteins of phage SU10 reorganize into the nozzle for genome delivery

Martin Lysák, Terezie Malík Mandáková, Xinyi Guo, Yile Huang
Články v Plant Journal, Frontiers in Plant Science and Nature Communications

  • The meso-octoploid Heliophila variabilis genome sheds a new light on the impact of polyploidization and diploidization on the diversity of the Cape flora
  • The evolution of the hypotetraploid Catolobus pendulus genome – the poorly known sister species of Capsella
  • The identification of the missing maternal genome of the allohexaploid camelina (Camelina sativa)
  • The allotetraploid horseradish genome provides insights into subgenome diversification and formation of critical traits

Markéta Šámalová, Jan Hejátko
Článek v Plant Physiology (Oxford University Press)
Hormone-regulated expansins: Expression, localization, and cell wall biomechanics in Arabidopsis root growth.

Richard Štefl, Karel Kubíček, David Zapletal
Článek v Molecular Cell
Structural and functional basis of mammalian microRNA biogenesis by Dicer