Junior researcher: Mobile mapping data-fusion

Research Position | Published on 06.09.2024 | CEITEC BUT

The director of CEITEC Brno University of Technology is opening a position of


Junior researcher: Mobile mapping data-fusion

Vědecko-výzkumný pracovník Junior pro datovou fúzi v mobilním mapování


Brno University of Technology is a prestigious university with a stable background and a 125-year tradition not only in the field of technology.

CEITEC BUT has been part of this University since 2011. We have been a key part of a top research infrastructure with unique equipment and conditions for basic and applied research in the field of nanotechnologies, advanced materials, and cybernetics.



We are seeking an outstanding applicant for the scientific position of junior researcher. The applicant should be already experienced the field of mobile robotic, specifically in 3D data fusion of optical sensors for mobile robot localization and mapping.


The successful candidate must hold a Ph.D. degree in engineering and should demonstrate:

  • At least three years of experience in research in the corresponding scientific field.
  • Outstanding subject competence and proven high-quality track record in the field of mobile mapping and data fusion.
  • Experience with optical scanning methods, experience with multispectral optical scanning and data fusion.
  • Experience with Matlab.
  • Collaboration with academic partners (proved by joint papers).
  • Good communication skills and fluent written and spoken English.

We offer

  • English-speaking environment.
  • Highly motivating environment.
  • Work in the Czech Science City Brno with many collaboration possibilities.
  • 6 weeks of holidays.
  • Meal benefits.
  • Free parking.
  • University lifelong learning courses.
  • Opportunity to exploit CEITEC BUT core facilities and laboratories.

Employment Conditions

  • Anticipated start date: Upon agreement
  • Highly competitive salary based on the candidate’s qualifications and experience.
  • Work in general science laboratories.
  • Part-time job, 8 hours per week.
  • 6 weeks of holidays.
  • Place: CEITEC BUT, Purkyňova 123, Brno, Czech Republic.
  • https://brnoregion.com/en/

Your application should include

  •        Detailed CV including a list of publications.
  •        Cover letter stating the motivation, his/her contribution to the field and vision.

Contact details

Electronic applications including required items should be submitted to e-mail recruitment@ceitec.vutbr.cz by September 17th, 2024 and quote the “Data-fusion” in the subject.



By submitting an application for this position, you agree to the processing of personal data, in the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR), for the duration of the selection/ admission procedure.

After the end of the selection/ admission procedure, all your personal data will be deleted and never provided to third parties.

Start date: upon agreement
Opened Until: 17.9.2024

I am interested