Identification and characterization of a new pathway regulating pre-mRNA splicing
- Project type: GACR EXPRO
- Project coordinator: CEITEC MU
- Grant provider/investor: Czech Science Foundation
- Project code: GX23-04754X
- Implementation period: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2027
- Total budget:
- Budget for CEITEC MU:
Project description:
Ability of cell to properly express its genes depends on optimal transcription and splicing. RNA polymerase II transcribes protein-coding genes and produces pre-mRNAs, which cotranscriptionally undergo intron excision by the spliceosome, a megadalton RNA-protein complex. Spliceosome activation is a major, but poorly characterized control step, leading to a catalytically active complex. Our unpublished data identified a new pathway that controls spliceosome activation and links the regulation of transcription to the regulation of splicing. Notably, the pathway links three important cancer-related and therapeutically attractive proteins. We propose to apply proteomics and chemical biology approaches coupled to state-of-the-art genomics to characterize how the pathway activates the spliceosome and orchestrates interplay between transcription and splicing.
Principal investigator:
Phone: +420 54949 6649, +420 54949 7564