Registration Workshop Training

Educational course: Processing of neuroimaging data in SPM12 and Matlab software

About event

The course is focused mainly on master‘s and doctor‘s degree students in the field of human brain mapping regardless of primary background. However, any basic knowledge about brain mapping will be convenient. Attendants will obtain theoretical and practical skills in several neuroimaging techniques. Registration and a fee are required to participate in the course. This event is free of charge for PhD students in the Neuroscience field at Masaryk University. The fee prices are listed below for other participants.

Please note that it is necessary to fill out the registration form and then make a purchase in the MUNI Shopping Center via the links below.

Student, payment in CZK – 250 CZK
Other staff, payment in CZK – 500 CZK
Student, payment in EUR – 11 EUR
Other staff, payment in EUR – 21 EUR


Wednesday 22th November

8:30 - 9:00 Registration of participants
9:00 – 9:10 Introduction to the course
9:10 – 10:30

Neuroimaging data – formats, structures,
software for visualization, conversion, etc.
(Michal Mikl)

SPM12 and Matlab – introduction of software, extensions,
how to download, support on SPM web page, basic work
with SPM under Matlab (Michal Mikl)

10:30 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 12:15 Processing of morphometric data – commented
examples (Radek Mareček)
12:15 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 Processing of fMRI data – commented examples of fMRI
preprocessing and statistical models in SPM12 (Martin Gajdoš)
15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break
15:15 – 16:30

Non-MRI modalities and extensions to SPM12

  • Processing fo PET/SPECT data with SPM12 and Matlab
    (Martin Kojan)
  • Independent component analysis with GIFT
    (Michal Mikl)
The registration for this event has already been closed.


22. 11. 2023
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CF: Multimodal and Functional Imaging Laboratory
CF: Multimodal and Functional Imaging Laboratory


CEITEC MU, University Campus, Building E35, Room 145