Ceremonial inauguration of the Josef Dadok National NMR Centre

24. Jan. 2013

The Josef Dadok National NMR Centre was ceremonially inaugurated on January 23, 2013 with the participation of Tomáš Hruda, Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, Mikuláš Bek, Rector of Masaryk University, Markus Dettenhofer, CEITEC Executive director, Jaroslav Koča, CEITEC Scientific Director for Life Sciences, Vladimír Sklenář, Coordinator of Structure Biology programme, David Stuart, Coordinator of Instruct, Claudio Luchinat, Coordinator of Bio-NMR, and more than 250 participants. Our special guest Josef Dadok introduced the history of NMR spectroscopy in Czechoslovakia and his great contribution to the development of this method, mainly in USA where he leftfor an internship and did not return after the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia in August 1968.

The scientific symposium focused on new trends in Biomolecular NMR was held on January 24, 2013 at University Campus Bohunice. More than 150 participants listened to 14 lectures of leading experts in the field including the honored guests Ad Bax, Juli Feigon, and Christian Griesinger, the representative of Bruker Corporation Gerd Wolff, and the heads of the European NMR core facilities associated in the Bio-NMR consortium, Harald Schwalbe, Lucia Banci, Hartmut Oschkinat, Rolf Boelens, Janez Plavec, Beat Meier, Christina Redfield, Ulrich Günter, Göran Karlsson, and Torsten Herrmann.

Photo gallery can be found HERE.

Interview with Josef Dadok in the broadcast „Před půlnocí“ can be viewed HERE.

Video HERE