Search results for: nantl

Articles 68


Jiří Nantl becomes the Operational Director of CEITEC

19. 11. 2013

News Interviews and Views

#CEITECScience Matters: Jiri Nantl

25. 6. 2021

#CEITECScience Matters: Jiri Nantl

Remarks by Jiří Nantl, Director of CEITEC at Masaryk University

29. 6. 2017

News Media

Jiří Nantl: CEITEC Has Built a Strong Brand and Is Recognized in Europe

13. 9. 2019

Jiří Nantl: CEITEC Has Built a Strong Brand and Is Recognized in Europe

Jiří Nantl: Co potřebujeme pro inovační strategii

15. 1. 2019

Jiří Nantl: Co potřebujeme pro inovační strategii
News Media

People Are the Most Valuable Resources at CEITEC. Find out More About Mary O…

13. 9. 2019

People Are the Most Valuable Resources at CEITEC. Find out More About Mary O'Connell´s and Zdenek Farka´s Research

CEITEC will shorten its path to the top of European science

22. 1. 2016

News Media

Global Science: Forming an Alliance4Life

31. 1. 2019

Global Science: Forming an Alliance4Life

How Do We Improve the State of Czech Science? The Alliance4Life National Round…

27. 5. 2019

How Do We Improve the State of Czech Science? The Alliance4Life National Round Table Suggested Answers.
News Media

From ideas to real life projects: ORION Open Science 2nd Annual Meeting

17. 5. 2019

From ideas to real life projects: ORION Open Science 2nd Annual Meeting
News Awards Press Releases

CEITEC PhD Students Excelled in the Brno Ph.D. Talent Competition

14. 2. 2020

CEITEC PhD Students Excelled in the Brno Ph.D. Talent Competition
News Press Releases

Panagiotis Alexiou From CEITEC MU Receives EMBO Installation Grant to Establish…

16. 1. 2020

Panagiotis Alexiou From CEITEC MU Receives EMBO Installation Grant to Establish Independent Laboratory Linking Biomedicine With Artificial Intelligence
Interviews and Views Events and Guests News

Doctoral Students from CEITEC Masaryk University Presented Their Research…

2. 3. 2020

Doctoral Students from CEITEC Masaryk University Presented Their Research Results at CEITEC PhD Conference
News Press Releases

New Twinning Grant Will Further Strenghten the RNA Research Community in Brno

27. 3. 2020

New Twinning Grant Will Further Strenghten the RNA Research Community in Brno
News Press Releases Research

Scientists, Doctors, and Informaticians in Brno Develop Unique Bioinformatics…

3. 6. 2020

Scientists, Doctors, and Informaticians in Brno Develop Unique Bioinformatics Software
Press Releases Research News

Robert Vacha from CEITEC Received the ERC Consolidator Grant to Fight…

9. 12. 2020

Robert Vacha from CEITEC Received the ERC Consolidator Grant to Fight Antibiotic Resistance on the Molecular Level

A scientist from MU has become a member of a prestigious molecular biology…

21. 6. 2017

A scientist from MU has become a member of a prestigious molecular biology organization
News Media

Money Isn’t the Only Thing That Plays a Role in the Quality of Science

12. 5. 2020

Money Isn’t the Only Thing That Plays a Role in the Quality of Science

Recruitment Policy as a Tool for Scientific Excellence

4. 1. 2021

Recruitment Policy as a Tool for Scientific Excellence

Two new research groups will bring international experience to CEITEC MU

3. 8. 2017


CEITEC Masaryk University joins the EU-LIFE initiative to support collaborative…

1. 7. 2019

CEITEC Masaryk University joins the EU-LIFE initiative to support collaborative biomedical research in Horizon Europe
News Research

Researchers Led by CEITEC Are Asking the Minister of Education for Support of…

29. 3. 2021

Researchers Led by CEITEC Are Asking the Minister of Education for Support of EMBO Grants
News Press Releases

When Eastern European Research Institutes Pull Together as a Team

25. 5. 2021

When Eastern European Research Institutes Pull Together as a Team

CEITEC MU teams up with VIB (Flanders Institute for Biotechnology) to…

22. 9. 2017

CEITEC MU teams up with VIB (Flanders Institute for Biotechnology) to strengthen European plant research
News Press Releases Research

Jiri Fajkus of CEITEC Masaryk University Elected as New EMBO Member

14. 6. 2021

Jiri Fajkus of CEITEC Masaryk University Elected as New EMBO Member
News Press Releases Events and Guests

WE SPEAK PLANTISH: Biotechnology producer Photon Systems Instruments and…

7. 12. 2021

WE SPEAK PLANTISH: Biotechnology producer Photon Systems Instruments and scientists from CEITEC at the Dubai EXPO 2020
News Press Releases Research

Pavel Plevka receives the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant

17. 3. 2022

Pavel Plevka receives the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant
News Awards


30. 3. 2022

News Events and Guests

Reawaking Kambavaim: The Alliance4Life members finally met in person in Estonia

10. 5. 2022

Reawaking Kambavaim: The Alliance4Life members finally met in person in Estonia
News Press Releases Awards

Sarka Pospisilova from CEITEC Masaryk University elected as new EMBO member

6. 7. 2022

Sarka Pospisilova from CEITEC Masaryk University elected as new EMBO member

Kick-off meeting of Alliance4Life

2. 12. 2017

Kick-off meeting of Alliance4Life
News Press Releases

All faculties across the Bohunice campus will have uniform rules for doctoral…

16. 9. 2022

All faculties across the Bohunice campus will have uniform rules for doctoral education
News Press Releases Research Awards

Six best publications of the last year were awarded CEITEC MU AWARD

2. 1. 2023

Six best publications of the last year were awarded CEITEC MU AWARD
News Research

The best of CEITEC MU 2022: What have we achieved together in the past year

4. 1. 2023

The best of CEITEC MU 2022: What have we achieved together in the past year
News Press Releases Research

The new ADDIT-CE project will revolutionize Alzheimer’s disease diagnostic

25. 1. 2023

The new ADDIT-CE project will revolutionize Alzheimer’s disease diagnostic
Events and Guests Press Releases

Minister Helena Langsadlova visited CEITEC MUNI

21. 3. 2023

Minister Helena Langsadlova visited CEITEC MUNI
News Press Releases

Czech economic and scientific diplomats visited CEITEC MUNI

26. 5. 2023

Czech economic and scientific diplomats visited CEITEC MUNI
News Events and Guests Press Releases

CEITEC MUNI hosted the Czech-Slovak conference on strategic management in…

13. 6. 2023

CEITEC MUNI hosted the Czech-Slovak conference on strategic management in science

Ten leading life science institutions from nine Central and Eastern European…

16. 1. 2018

Ten leading life science institutions from nine Central and Eastern European countries have formed Alliance4Life
News Press Releases

Pavel Plevka will lead CEITEC MUNI

27. 6. 2023

Pavel Plevka will lead CEITEC MUNI

Life scientists unite to close EU's innovation gap

5. 2. 2018

Life scientists unite to close EU's innovation gap
News Press Releases

Alliance4Life members are committed to bridge the innovation gap in CEE region

28. 3. 2024

Alliance4Life members are committed to bridge the innovation gap in CEE region
News Awards

Dies Academicus: The Rector of the Masaryk University awarded outstanding…

24. 5. 2024

Dies Academicus: The Rector of the Masaryk University awarded outstanding scientific and management achievements from CEITEC

Memorandum on Strategic Partnership and Collaboration signed today between…

19. 3. 2018

Memorandum on Strategic Partnership and Collaboration signed today between CEITEC MU and IOCB Prague

Marek Mráz received prestigious ERC starting grant. He will focus on leukemia

27. 7. 2018

Marek Mráz received prestigious ERC starting grant. He will focus on leukemia
News Media

Masaryk University Introduces Possibilities for Cooperation

3. 5. 2019

Masaryk University Introduces Possibilities for Cooperation
News Media

A molecular biologist of CEITEC MU among the world leaders in her field

12. 6. 2019

A molecular biologist of CEITEC MU among the world leaders in her field

CEITEC and FNUSA-ICRC Represented the Czech Republic at the Alliance4Life…

19. 6. 2019

CEITEC and FNUSA-ICRC Represented the Czech Republic at the Alliance4Life Meeting in Latvia

Fantastic Showcase of Postdoctoral Research in the Czech Republic

27. 9. 2019

Fantastic Showcase of Postdoctoral Research in the Czech Republic
News Events and Guests

Photogallery: 1st Annual CEITEC Postdoc Retreat

27. 9. 2019

Photogallery: 1st Annual CEITEC Postdoc Retreat
News Press Releases

Czech Leading Research Institutions Have Offered Their Help to the Government

17. 3. 2020

Czech Leading Research Institutions Have Offered Their Help to the Government
News Media Press Releases

CEITEC Offers Its Laboratories For Coronavirus Research Free Of Charge

26. 3. 2020

CEITEC Offers Its Laboratories For Coronavirus Research Free Of Charge
News Media Research Press Releases

Two Scientists from CEITEC Masaryk University Received ERC-CZ Grants. They Will…

8. 4. 2020

Two Scientists from CEITEC Masaryk University Received ERC-CZ Grants. They Will Focus on Infections
News Press Releases

Karel Riha From CEITEC Was Elected as a New EMBO Member

8. 7. 2020

Karel Riha From CEITEC Was Elected as a New EMBO Member

CEITEC MU Elected New Members to Its Scientific Board

28. 7. 2020

CEITEC MU Elected New Members to Its Scientific Board
News Press Releases

Structural Virologist Pavel Plevka Will Be the Deputy Director for Research…

29. 10. 2020

Structural Virologist Pavel Plevka Will Be the Deputy Director for Research Infrastructure at CEITEC MU
News Press Releases

"PRO-VACCINE" Scientists From Research Institute CEITEC Masaryk University…

15. 1. 2021

"PRO-VACCINE" Scientists From Research Institute CEITEC Masaryk University Promote COVID-19 Vaccine as Our Best Chance to Return to Normal Life

Recruitment Policy as a Tool for Scientific Excellence

25. 2. 2021

Recruitment Policy as a Tool for Scientific Excellence

Video Archive: RICAIP Seminar Series (Smart City & Smart Regions)

16. 9. 2021

Video Archive: RICAIP Seminar Series (Smart City & Smart Regions)

The scientific board of CEITEC MU met for the first time in person since the…

11. 5. 2022

The scientific board of CEITEC MU met for the first time in person since the pandemic
News Events and Guests

CEITEC Meeting and Lunch: Creating better working environment for all of us

1. 7. 2022

CEITEC Meeting and Lunch: Creating better working environment for all of us
News Press Releases

Pavel Plevka will lead CEITEC Masaryk University for the next five years

4. 4. 2024

Pavel Plevka will lead CEITEC Masaryk University for the next five years

Mojmír Šob from CEITEC MU with colleagues from the Institute of Physics, CAS,…

19. 5. 2017

Mojmír Šob from CEITEC MU  with colleagues from the  Institute of Physics, CAS, newly  assessed the impact of impurities  on brittleness of metallic materials
News Awards

This Year’s Neuron Award for Young Promising Scientists Granted to Marek Mráz…

4. 12. 2018

This Year’s Neuron Award for Young Promising Scientists Granted to Marek Mráz of CEITEC

Newly appointed Reseach Group Leaders

7. 6. 2017

News Media Research

What We Eat Can Have an Effect, Even on Alzheimer´s Disease

2. 12. 2019

What We Eat Can Have an Effect, Even on Alzheimer´s Disease
News Research

New treatment options for neuroblastoma. Miguel Merlos investigates the effect…

28. 6. 2021

New treatment options for neuroblastoma. Miguel Merlos investigates the effect of human protein, which may affect the effectiveness of chemotherapy

CEITEC Supports Ukraine

7. 3. 2022

CEITEC Supports Ukraine
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