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Akce 69


EU-Life Career Track Webinar: From Scientific Research into…

Shannon completed her PhD at the John Innes Centre in 2021 before undertaking a post doc…

Shannon Woodhouse
Education Programme Coordinator form the John Innes Centre
1. 4. 2025 13:00 - 14:00

Lecture Registration

Label-free biosensing workshop: Demonstration of biosensing…

One-day lecture and demo focusing on new instrumentation possibility in the field of…

J. Arnoud Marquart, PhD
Senior scientist at Delta Life Science
19. 2. 2025 12:30

CEITEC MU, University Campus Bohunice,…
Workshop Registration

Advances in Magnetic Resonance

The Advances in Magnetic Resonance international workshop aims to bring together experts…

Petr Neugebuer
Petr Neugebuer
17. - 18. 10. 2024

CEITEC BUT, Purkyňova 123, 612 00 Brno
Lecture Seminar Series

PI Seminar: Puzzle Game With Histone Proteoforms

At the molecular level, adaptive advantages to environmental changes are primarily…

Gabriela Lochmanová
11. 10. 2024 13:00 - 14:00

University Campus, Building B11, Room…
Seminar Series Online

AMN Seminar Series: Advances in Magneto-Ionics and Electric…

Enric Menéndez Dalmau Prof. Menéndez's research benefits from national and…

Jordi Sort and Enric Menéndez
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
16. 9. 2024 12:00 - 13:30

CEITEC, Purkyňova 123, Building S,…
Seminar Series PhD

AMN Seminar Series: Photoelectrochemical Solar Energy…

Millions of families around the world remain vulnerable to water scarcity and have no…

Jong Hyeok Park
Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
13. 8. 2024 11:15 - 12:00

CEITEC, Purkyňova 123, Building S,…
Seminar Series Online Lecture

AMN Seminar Series: Formation of electronically transparent…

Molecular electronics is a fascinating field in which individual molecules placed between…

Héctor Vázquez
Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences
24. 6. 2024 11:30 - 12:00

CEITEC, Purkyňova 123, Building S,…
Workshop Registration

Chemiluminiscence and Epifluorescence Workshop:…

CF BIC and BARIA, s.r.o. are organising a short workshop focused on the chemiluminescence…

CF: Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography
CF: Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography
19. 6. 2024 10:00 - 13:00

CEITEC MU, University Campus, Building…
Lecture Seminar Series

PI Seminar: Involvement of Novel Ribosome Associated Factor…

If you would like to participate online, please contact us at …

Gabriel Demo
10. 5. 2024 13:00 - 14:00

CEITEC MUNI, University Campus,…
Lecture Seminar Series

Structural Biology Seminar: Navigating the Molecular Realm:…

X-ray crystallography molecular replacement (MR) is a highly versatile tool for the…

Julien Orts
Julien Orts
University of Vienna
22. 2. 2024 14:00 - 15:00

University Campus Bohunice, Building…
Workshop Registration

Asylum Cypher VRS1250​: Video-Rate AFM​

Join us for a demo of the Asylum Cypher AFM system. There will be available:​ Cypher…

CF: Nanobiotechnology
CF: Nanobiotechnology
13. 2. 2024 13:00 - 18:00

CEITEC MUNI, University Campus,…
Seminar Series Online Internal

AMN Seminar Series: Stability of thin-film PEDOT:PSS…

Bioelectronic implants have revolutionized medical research and treatment, enabling the…

Poppy Oldroyd
Poppy Oldroyd
7. 2. 2024 10:00 - 12:00

CEITEC, Purkyňova 123, Building S,…
Workshop Registration

TechWatch series: Mass photometry workshop: Demonstration…

CF BIC and Specion, s.r.o. are organizing a two-day workshop focused on mass photometry.…

CF: Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography Core Facility
CF: Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography Core Facility
12. - 13. 10. 2023

CEITEC MU, University Campus, Building…
Workshop Registration

TechWatch series: Differential scanning fluorimetry demo

CF BIC and Specion, s.r.o. are organizing a one-day demo focused on differential scanning…

CF: Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography Core Facility
CF: Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography Core Facility
22. 9. 2023 10:00 - 16:00

CEITEC MU, University Campus, Building…
Workshop Registration

Summer Workshop on BioAFM Microscopy 2023

Correlative microscopy approaches provide unique insights into life sciences research…

CF Nanobiotechnology
CF Nanobiotechnology
6. - 8. 9. 2023

CEITEC MU, University Campus, Building…
Lecture Seminar Series

PI Seminar: Exposures to plastic additives – linking…

Plastic forms an important and necessary part of our daily life through consumer products…

Lisa Emily Melymuk
31. 3. 2023 13:00 - 14:00

CEITEC MU, University Campus, Building…
Lecture Seminar Series

BioIT Seminar: Decoding the chemical language of plants

Although plants are an incredibly rich source of pharmaceutically relevant specialized…

Tomáš Pluskal
IOCB Prague
29. 3. 2023 16:00 - 17:00

CEITEC MU, University Campus, Building…
Lecture Seminar Series

Mendel Centre Seminar: Ascophyllum nodosum biostimulant…

Brandon Bioscience is focussed on creating crop solutions derived from the marine algae…

Łukasz Łangowski
Łukasz Łangowski
Brandon Bioscience
28. 2. 2023 14:00 - 15:00

University Campus, Building B11, Room…
Lecture Seminar Series

BioIT Seminar: Biochemical Space Language: a rule-based…

In systems biology, models play a crucial role in understanding studied systems. There…

Matěj Troják
Sybila, FI MU
22. 2. 2023 16:00 - 17:00

FI MUNI, Botanická 68a, Room A319

Results presentation of the project Interreg WaterMon ATCZ…

Sustainable environmental quality is mainly determined by water management. Quality meets…

Prof. Jaromír Hubálek
CEITEC Brno University of Technology
20. 12. 2022 09:30 - 14:00

CEITEC, Purkyňova 123, Building S,…
Seminar Series Lecture

AMN Seminar Series 2022: Diamond-based quantum technology

Recent breakthroughs in quantum physics promise to revolutionise various technological…

Dr. Boris Naydenov
Dr. Boris Naydenov
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
9. 11. 2022 15:00 - 16:00

CEITEC VUT, Purkyňova 123, Brno-Královo…
Lecture Seminar Series

PI Seminar: Nanoparticle Tag Counting for Tissue Imaging…

We report a new laser ablation technique employing a pulsed 2 940 nm laser and a simple…

Jan Preisler, Masaryk University, Faculty of Science
7. 10. 2022 13:00 - 14:00

University Campus Bohunice, Building…

CEITEC at the Festival of Science (Festival vědy)

Science in Brno is not boring! Come and see the Festival of Science 2022, the largest…

10. 9. 2022 09:00 - 18:00

BVV Trade Fairs Brno, Výstaviště 405/1,…
Lecture Seminar Series

AMN Seminar Series 2017: Smart Photopolymers: From 3D…

UV curing of photopolymerizable formulations has been used for more than a half century…

prof. Robert Liska
Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
25. 6. 2022

PhD Public

Science Communication Show

Students who have been enrolled in the S4010 Science Communication Course - Present Your…

Lucia Badurova, Narendra Gottumukkala, Katrina Leslie, Sajid Ullah, Krisýna Vesela
Lucia Badurova, Narendra Gottumukkala, Katrina Leslie, Sajid Ullah, Krisýna…
24. 6. 2022 13:00 - 14:30

CEITEC, Room 211

Live CODIM Affordable Super Resolution (SR) Solution For…

Cellular Imaging Core Facility and TELIGHT would like to invite you to the online…

5. 10. 2021 09:00 - 10:30


CELLIM Workshop - Introduction to Sted Superresolution…

We would like to invite you to a course organized by CELLIM Core Facility: Introduction…

16. 3. 2021 09:00 - 10:30



Register now for Instruct-ERIC Webinar: Structure Meets Function Featuring expert…

Pavel Plevka, Jan Dohnálek, Lukáš Trantírek
17. 2. 2021 11:00 - 12:30



Applications of LIBS and CT-TDLAS to Industrial Processes THE LECTURE HAS BEEN CANCELLED…

Dr. Yoshihiro Deguchi / Tokushima University, Tokushima, Japan
4. 6. 2020 10:00 - 11:00

CEITEC BUT, Large meeting room …

Superresolution Spinning Disc Microscopy - Principles,…

Cellular Imagining Core Facility, together with Olympus Company, Scientific Solution…

10. 3. 2020 12:00

Room 211, Building A35, University…

CEITEC Christmas Workshop

The traditional Christmas Workshop for all employees of CEITEC where we will…

10. 12. 2019 16:30

Brno Observatory and Planetarium
Lecture Seminar Series

AMN SEMINAR SERIES 2019: Extrusion: An efficient technique…

Extrusion: an efficient technique for the manufacture of organic compounds…

Dr. Deborah Crawford
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University Belfast Department of Chemistry, University of Leicester Bernal Institute, University of Limerick
3. 12. 2019 10:00 - 11:00

CEITEC BUT, Large meeting room …

Chirally coupled magnets

Magnetically coupled nanomagnets have many potential applications including non-volatile…

Dr. Aleš Hrabec, Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
16. 10. 2019 14:00

Institute of Physical Engineering,…

AMN SEMINAR SERIES: Nanorobots as novel theranostic tools:…

! NEW TIME: 11:00 Nanorobots as novel theranostic tools: smart drug delivery and imaging…

Prof. Samuel Sanchez / Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, the…
15. 10. 2019 11:00 - 12:00

CEITEC BUT, Large meeting room …

Live Cell Imaging 2019

  The course is practical, selective, 3-day, 12-15 participants, covering…

12. - 14. 6. 2019

IMG CAS Prague

Advanced fluorescence imaging course on FLIM and FCS

There are a lot of in vitro techniques to study small molecular interactions, but most of…

6. - 7. 6. 2019

CEITEC MU, University Campus Bohunice

Life after PhD – Meet a Nobelist

Meet and Speak to Sir James Fraser Stoddart It was a great honour to host Professor…

Sir James Fraser Stoddart
16. 5. 2019 11:00 - 12:00

CEITEC Building A35, Room 211

Science Communication Course: Present Your Research Results…

This is the second part of a three blocks course for PhD students and postdocs. The first…

25. 4. 2019 09:00 - 12:00

University Cinema Scala

Single-Molecule Sensors and NanoSystems International…

This conference will bring together researchers in the rapidly advancing field of…

3. - 5. 4. 2019

Lecture Seminar Series

AMN SEMINAR SERIES: How the muscles in the body develop…

How the muscles in the body develop their orientation Formation of oriented myofibrils…

Assoc. Prof. Igor ADAMEYKO (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
2. 4. 2019 10:00 - 11:00

CEITEC BUT, Large meeting room …

Calibration Standards for Quantitative Magnetic Force…

Calibration Standards for Quantitative Magnetic Force Microscopy - Chances and Pitfalls …

DI Dr. Marek Havlicek
25. 3. 2019 09:15 - 10:00

Seminar room 7108, Czech Metrology…

Decode 3D biology in Real time with Leica THUNDER Imagers

Equipment to see: Leica THUNDER Imager 3D Live Cell & 3D Cell Culture + Leica PAULA …

19. - 21. 3. 2019

room 211, building A35, University…

ZEISS Axio Zoom.V16: The Fluorescence Zoom Microscope for…

PROGRAM Tuesday, March 12 13:00 -13:05 M. Esner: Welcome 13:00– 14:00 P. Krist:…

12. - 13. 3. 2019

room 145, building A35, University…

Workshop and a User-Meeting on correlative Raman imaging

New perspectives in chemical analysis with correlative 3D Raman imaging It gives…

5. - 6. 2. 2019

Lecture Seminar Series

AMN Seminar Series: Prof. David HAHN

3D Bioprinting: The Intersection of Engineering and Medicine Recent breakthroughs…

Prof. David HAHN (Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University…
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University of Florida
5. 6. 2018 10:00 - 12:00

CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room

Advanced Functional Imaging Workshop

Are you having an interesting biological problem and need to demonstrate and/or…

30. 5. 2018 10:45 - 14:30

room 211, building A35, CEITEC MU,…
Lecture Seminar Series

AMN Seminar Series: Dr. ShangDa Jiang

Endohedral Fullerenes as Molecular Qubits Quantum computation could outperform classical…

Dr. ShangDa Jiang
College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University
29. 5. 2018 10:00 - 12:00

CEITEC VUT, velká zasedací místnost S2…
Lecture Seminar Series

AMN Seminar Series 2018: High mobility strained Germanium…

High mobility strained Germanium low-dimensional systems Carrier mobility is one…

Dr. Maksym Myronov
Department of Physics, The University of Warwick, UK
22. 5. 2018 10:00 - 11:00

CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room

MU LSS: Novel Mechanisms of Cancer – Stroma Crosstalk and…

Life Sciences Seminar Series Erik Sahai PhD Role of the microenvironment in cancer…

Erik Sahai, Francis Crick Institute, London, UK
10. 5. 2018 16:00

room 132, building A11, University…

Lecture: prof. Reshef Tenne z Weizmann Institute of Science…

Inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles at the crossroad between materials…

prof. Reshef Tenne
23. 4. 2018 14:00 - 15:00

CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room

Magnetisation manipulation with light and electrons femto-…

Since the first observation of ultrafast demagnetization in Ni thin films using femto…

prof. Stéphane Mangin (Institut Jean Lamour, UMR CNRS 7198, Université de…
3. 4. 2018 13:00 - 14:00

CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room

BISON Lectures

Adventures with Four-Stranded DNA structures DNA can adopt many different conformations…

Dr. Zoë A. E. Waller and Dr. Andrew Gates, University of East Anglia
1. 3. 2018 09:00

room 211, building A35
Lecture Seminar Series

AMN Seminar Series 2018: Dr. Andriy Marko

Advances in PELDOR methodology and applications Pulsed Electron-electron Double…

Dr. Andriy Marko
Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Göethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
30. 1. 2018 10:00

CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room

Workshop CorreScopy (Correlative Imaging)

WHEN: 3rd November 2017 WHERE: CEITEC Nano RI, Purkyňova 123, Bulding C, Meeting…

3. 11. 2017

Researcher's Night 2017

WHEN: October 6, 2017 19:00–23:59 WHERE: University Campus The theme of this year's…

6. 10. 2017

Workshops "Nanoindentation" and AFM - September 2017

When: 11.–15. 9.2017 Where: CEITEC Nano RI, Purkyňova 123, Bulding C, Meeting room -…

11. - 15. 9. 2017

Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Seminar Series

WHO? Dr. Matteo Mannini WHAT ABOUT? Exploring properties of magnetic molecules on…

4. 5. 2017


CEITEC Nano Open day for Academic users

WHEN: 28th March 2017 WHERE: CEITEC BUT, Nano Laboratories, Purkynova 123, Brno …

28. 3. 2017


Guided Nanowires: New Building Blocks for Self-Integrated…

SPEAKER: Ernesto Joselevich from Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel …

30. 11. 2016

Life Sciences Seminar Series

SPEAKER: Javier F. Caceres MRC Human Genetics Unit, Institute of Genetics and…

24. 11. 2016


The Day of National Research Infrastructures

WHEN: November 3, 2016 WHERE: ELI Beamlines / Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic Main…

3. 11. 2016


Structural Validation Workshop

WHEN:October 17–19, 2016, from 9:00 WHERE: A35/211 Univeristy Campus Bohunice…

17. - 19. 10. 2016


Seminář Standardizovaná a optimalizovaná mnohobarevná…

KDY: 5. října 2016 KDE: CEITEC, areál Kamenice 753/5, Bohunice, Brno, budova A35…

5. 10. 2016


Workshop Live cell to model organisms: high speed imaging…

WHERE: room 117, building A3, University Campus, (Hands On workshop - building A3;…

20. - 22. 9. 2016


Czech Chemical Society Lectures

SPEAKERS: Prof. P. Hubert Mutin (Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, France) …

12. 5. 2016


Deconstructing the cell wall polysaccharide matrix of the…

SPEAKER: Markéta Šámalová (Department of Parasitology and Mycology, Institut…

9. 5. 2016


Life Science Seminar Series

SPEAKER: Filippo Drago Department of Biomedical and…

14. 4. 2016


Hands-on Workshop ITC & DSC Calorimetry

Core Facility Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallization invites you to the…

9. - 10. 3. 2016


Life Science Seminar Series

SPEAKER: Vladimir Katanaev Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne,…

25. 2. 2016

Show all