CIISB open access

CF equipment and services are accessible through CIISB research infrastructure.

The user will submit a project proposal via an online form. The application will undergo technical feasibility evaluation (by the facility staff) and peer review (by an external expert). Following the successful evaluation of the project, the user will approve the general terms and conditions for accessing the CIISB facility. The arrangement of the actual measurement is made via email correspondence with the facility manager.

The CIISB project will cover 90% of the service-related cost. The user is requested to participate by covering 10% of the running costs. This support is intended only for academic institutions, and commercial users are not eligible.

The user is requested to include the following statement in the acknowledgment section of any publication resulting from the data obtained within the CIISB project:

"We acknowledge Nanobiotechnology core facility CEITEC MU of CIISB, Instruct-CZ Centre, supported by MEYS CR (LM2023042) and European Regional Development Fund-Project „Innovation of Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology“ (No. CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008175)."

Direct access

The user can contact directly the CF Head, who will evaluate the technical feasibility of the project and provide an estimation of the extent of the service. Please see rates of direct access in pricelist.

Head of Core Facility

Jan Přibyl, Ph.D.
Jan Přibyl, Ph.D.
Head of Core Facility
Personal Profile


Radka Obořilová
Radka Obořilová
Junior Staff Scientist, Deputy Core Facility Leader
Personal Profile