24. Feb. 2025

In 2022, CEITEC Masaryk University (MUNI) adopted a new policy for developing leadership competencies among its researchers, which is unique not only in the Czech context but also within Central and Eastern Europe. This policy emphasizes leadership quality, which has a direct impact on the work environment, employee satisfaction, and ultimately, scientific excellence. The CEITEC MUNI Leadership Policy is built on three key pillars: setting clear expectations for research group leaders and other employees, offering educational and development activities, and most importantly, Leadership Assessment Interviews—considered the “crème de la crème” of the entire concept.

Pilot phase of leadership assessment interviews

In 2023, the pilot phase of the Leadership Assessment Interviews was launched, covering half of the total 27 research groups by the end of 2024. These interviews are based on data collected through questionnaires that gather feedback from team members on their group leader’s leadership abilities. Simultaneously, the leaders evaluate their own skills through self-assessment. “We collect feedback from team members anonymously, and by comparing it with the leaders’ responses, we gain an interesting insight into their self-perception and how they are perceived by their team,” explains Andrea Dvořáková, Head of the HR Department. The overall picture is further complemented by feedback from administrative departments.

The results of the pilot phase helped identify areas for improvement for the full-scale implementation of the Leadership Assessment Interviews in 2024. Participants confirmed that this process aids in a better understanding of team dynamics and strengthens trust between team members and their leaders. For junior research group leaders, these interviews are particularly valuable in supporting their transition to senior positions and developing their management skills. Becoming a research group leader not only requires mastering the scientific aspect of the job but also handling new challenges related to team management, budgeting, and interpersonal relationships. While scientific competencies are carried over from previous experience, managerial skills are often learned on the go. That is why systematic support through leadership interviews is crucial—it enables leaders to better understand their roles and acquire specific tools and strategies to successfully lead their teams.

Preparation for Evaluation and Feedback Interpretation

Before meeting with the institute director, research group leaders attend an “interpretation meeting” where they analyse and discuss anonymized questionnaire results with an HR specialist. The questionnaires collecting feedback from team members focus on aspects such as the leader’s assistance in research and project goal-setting, support in experiment preparation, or availability for consultations. Conversely, leaders evaluate themselves on topics like setting up motivational systems within the team, handling feedback, conflict resolution, professional development of team members, and science communication with the public.

“In the interpretation meetings, we discuss which areas of self-assessment align with team feedback, where there are differences, and what could be improved. The driving forces behind change are self-reflection, empathy, interest, and the willingness to improve, and we aim to support these qualities in our leaders,” says Kateřina Wolfová, HR specialist at CEITEC MUNI.

One of the leaders who went through this assessment process is Štěpánka Vaňáčová, head of the RNA Quality Control research group. “I appreciate that scientific team members at CEITEC have the opportunity to anonymously express their opinions about their supervisors and bring up important topics,” she comments on the benefits of these interviews.

The role of the institute director and future development strategy

The institute director also prepares for the interviews by reviewing feedback and self-assessments together with an HR specialist. This preparatory meeting results in key discussion topics, which are entirely individualized. “Each leader has different experiences and faces different challenges. That is why it is crucial that feedback and recommendations are specific and tailored to their situation,” explains Andrea Dvořáková. This approach helps research group leaders identify areas for improvement and provides them with tools to achieve it.

Institute Director Pavel Plevka is himself an excellent scientist who has encountered many of the challenges faced by his subordinates. This enables him to offer a “peer-to-peer” perspective during the assessment interviews, sharing his own experiences and providing guidance from someone who has faced similar situations. Research group leaders appreciate this approach, as it not only provides practical advice but also allows them to be inspired by best practices within the academic environment.

“These interviews are not primarily focused on evaluating scientific performance but rather on developing skills that enable effective research group management—ensuring both scientific productivity and a positive work environment. It is a space where leaders share their approaches to team leadership, and we discuss specific challenges and recommendations,” emphasizes Pavel Plevka. The outcome of these meetings is a development plan outlining concrete steps to enhance leadership competencies and improve team functioning. These plans include training sessions focused on key leadership skills such as communication, team motivation, and conflict resolution. Additionally, each leader has the opportunity to bring up their own topics for discussion with the institute director.

Leadership as the key to a better work environment

The Leadership Policy was developed as part of CEITEC MUNI’s overall HR strategy, initiated by Scientific Secretary Nikola Kostlánová, and represents a key component of the action plan associated with the prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award (HR Award). Its implementation resulted from close collaboration and integration of best practices in human resource management with the specific demands of the scientific and academic environment. “In 2021, after evaluating the first three years of implementing the HR Award, we realized that developing leadership competencies is crucial for further improving the work environment and internal culture at CEITEC. Real change will only happen if leaders take an active role in this transformation,” says Eliška Handlířová, HR Award Coordinator at CEITEC MUNI. Andrea Dvořáková adds, “This approach allows us to better understand the needs of research group leaders and develop their managerial skills in a targeted way. In the future, we also plan to create a mentoring group composed of research group leaders who will support each other and share best practices.”

In addition to the mentoring group, CEITEC MUNI’s management is also considering the introduction of regular workshops and conferences focused on sharing best practices. These activities aim to create a community of leaders who will support and inspire each other.

Photo is illustrative

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