Jiří Nantl becomes the Operational Director of CEITEC

19. Nov. 2013

On 18 November the former First Deputy Minister of Education Jiří Nantl became the new Operational Director of CEITEC. The competence of the Operational Director of CEITEC includes mainly financial and project management, quality, risk management and human resources management. This experienced manager has been appointed to this position based on an open selection procedure.

“My main task is to consolidate the management of CEITEC as a consortium of six universities and research institutes and also to prepare the institute for the period following the completion of current funding from European resources in 2015,” said Jiří Nantl.

Jiří Nantl graduated in Political Science, Social Policy and Social Work at the Faculty of Social Studies MU and in the field of Law at the Faculty of Law MU. Between 2005 and 2010 he worked at Masaryk University, first as the Head of the Department of Studies of the Rector’s Office, and later as the Chancellor and Director of Legal and Corporate Relations. Between 2010 and 2012 he worked at the Ministry of Education in the position of Director of the Department of Higher Education and also Deputy Minister, during the term of Petr Fiala as Minister of Education he was the First Deputy Minister. “Jiří Nantl has long been involved in university and science politics, and he lectures in this field in the Czech Republic and internationally. His high level of knowledge and experience will definitely contribute to a successful change of the whole institute from its construction to long-term sustainability,” stated Markus Dettenhofer, the Executive Director of CEITEC.

Jiří Nantl is a member of the boards of directors of several public universities and also the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Centre for Higher Education Studies. “Here is a man with great managerial experience in the field of higher education coming to front the Central European Institute of Technology. He is also very familiar with the academic environment, has experience from being involved with the Ministry of Education, which is the managing body of the project, as well as having experience in communication with European authorities,” stated the Rector of Masaryk University, Mikuláš Bek.