
Course: Fundamentals of Light Microscopy 2022

About event

We would like to invite you to a course organized by CELLIM Core Facility:

Fundamentals of Light Microscopy

This course is intended for students who would like to learn about the fundamentals and principles of light microscopy. During the course participants will learn how image is formed in microscope, what are the principle parts of microscope, how to prepare samples and how to properly acquire image using widefield and confocal system. We will also touch basics of image processing, mainly how to work with channels, add scale bar and do the simple measurements.

The course is free of charge, but there is limited number of places.

Please register via the below Registrarion Form. The registration deadline is May 15, 2022.

Registration has been closed.


1. - 2. 6. 2022
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Cellular Imaging Core Facility


CELLIM, CEITEC MU, University Campus