Workshop Registration

Instruct-ERIC Best Practices in Cryo-EM Workshop

About event

The workshop is intended for EM facility scientists, managers, and experts from both academia and industry to discuss and share best practices concerning cryo-EM facility operation. The sessions will contain presentations on sample preparation and data management strategies. Each session will be complemented by a round table discussion to facilitate sharing the experience and brainstorm future directions and needs.


23 May

11:00–13:00 Arrival & Registration, Welcome coffee

 Session 1    Advances in cryo-EM sample preparation technology

13:00–13:40 Simone Mattei: Advanced robotic platforms for Cryo-EM sample preparation
13:45–14:25 Alexander Durand: New strategies to improve sample preparation for cryo-EM
14:25–14:50 Coffee break
14:50–16:00 Round table discussion 1

Session 2    Beyond sample preparation: sample purification and time-resolved cryo-EM

16:00–16:40 Thomas Braun: The cryoWriter system: Combining microfluidics and electron microscopy
16:40–16:50 Coffee break
16:50–17:30 Stephen Muench: Preparation in single particle cryoEM for improved sample quality and time-resolved studies
17:35–18:45 Round table discussion 2
18:50–20:00 Dinner

24 May

7:45–8:00 Welcome coffee

Session 3    Sample preparation and data management by in

8:00–8:40 Ivan Fong  (SPT Labtech): Delivering more routine sample optimization for cryo-EM with chameleon
8:45–9:25 Fanis Grollios (Thermo Fisher Scientific): Cryo-EM data management and real-time processing with Smart EPU and Tomo Live
9:25–9:50 Coffee break

Session 4    Cryo-EM data management

9:50–10:30 Irene Sanchez: Data management possibilities for Cryo-EM facilities within EOSC
10:35–11:50 Round table discussion 3 & Meeting summary
11:50–13:00 Lunch
13:15–18:15 Visit to facilities of EM producers in Brno

More information



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23. - 24. 5. 2023
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Cryo-electron microscopy and tomography core facility CEITEC MU
Cryo-electron microscopy and tomography core facility CEITEC MU


CEITEC MU, University Campus Bohunice, Building E35, Room 145