Day of National Research Infrastructures

About event

WHEN: 2nd November 2017, 9:00-17:00
WHERE: Masaryk University, CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology, Bohunice campus, pavilion A35, Brno

The event is organised for research infrastructures by research infrastructures.

Main discussion topics and sessions will include:

  • Lessons learned from the interim evaluation of research infrastructures run by Ministry of Education
  • Long term sustainability of research infrastructures from the European as well as Czech point of view
  • User services and governance of research infrastructures
  • Panel of funding agencies representatives and their views on the role of research infrastructures in the Czech research (eco)system
  • European Open Science Cloud

More information HERE


Organising Committee HERE

Looking forward to seeing you in Brno


2. 11. 2017
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