2. Jan. 2025

The cutting-edge CEITEC Nano research facility provides access to unique instruments for nanotechnology research. The team focuses on advanced material analysis and molecular-level sample processing. CEITEC BUT is proud to install state-of-the-art technologies, including the new microscope LVEM25E by Delong Instruments. After the LVEM25E installation and user training, we asked Ondřej Man and Eva Kolíbalová, who are in charge of the cleanroom where the LV TEM is installed, for a short interview.

Why did you choose the LVEM 25E?

Ondřej Man: “Firstly, the price. We had certain budget limitations. It’s not just the cost of the instrument itself but the investment for rebuilding the room, which, for the LVEM25E, was practically not necessary. Secondly, we needed to fulfill the users’ requirements and the needs of their research projects. LVEM25E was an ideal complement to the TEM Titan we have installed in the CEITEC Nano facility. In addition, simple, entry-level TEMs from other manufacturers require much more space than we had available.”

What do you plan to use it for?

Eva Kolíbalová: “We plan to use it for various needs of the researchers, as this TEM is easy to operate and flexible. Over time, it became clear that a wide range of samples don’t require the capabilities and complexity of Titan. For those, LVEM25E is ideal, as it offers the possibility of observation as well as full materials analysis.”

How difficult was it to prepare the space for it?

Ondřej Man: “Preparing the space was relatively easy. It just required some thought on where exactly to place it in the lab, and then we only needed to install a new power outlet.”

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