Research data handling

The handling of data generated in the Nanobiotechnology core facility is governed by the measure of the CEITEC MU Director: Research Data Policy, which specifies generally applicable regulations, and the Core Facility Data Management document (below). All users of the laboratory (MU employees, external, commercial and others) are obliged to follow these documents and acknowledge the Core Facility in all results published based on the data obtained at the Core Facility (see Acknowledgment).


Nanobiotechnology Core Facility Data Management

Version: 1.1.

Applicable from: 24. 9. 2021

1. Data accessibility

Data are available from the servers ensured by the Institute of Computer Science MU (ICS MU). The local data are stored on computers available after logging with logging information provided by the CF personnel.

2. Disk space quotas per user/measurement set

CF does not currently enforce any hard quotas on the storage of the raw scientific data per user or measurement set. 

3. Data storage

The data are available for 3 years after the measurement. After that, they can be moved to the "Archive" directory on the central storage. The storage in the Archiv is driven by the rules of the ICS MU ( The Archive directory is then accessible only to the CF personnel and user may get their Archiv data on request. Total data capacity in a long-term horizon is approximately 10TB.

4. Preferred way of data transfer to users

Filesender, MU central storage, OneDrive

5. Destruction of old data

The data are available for 3 years after the measurement. After that they can be moved to the "Archive" directory on the central storage.

6. Data security

Data shared on the network is secured according to the protocol specified by the network service provider. Accessibility of data is driven by the Perun web (, users are informed about it after authentization on the Perun web.

7. Handling of sensitive data


Responsible persons from CF: Jan Přibyl,

Head of Core Facility

Jan Přibyl, Ph.D.
Jan Přibyl, Ph.D.
Head of Core Facility
Personal Profile


Radka Obořilová
Radka Obořilová
Junior Staff Scientist, Deputy Core Facility Leader
Personal Profile