CEITEC will shorten its path to the top of European science

22. Jan. 2016

Learning from the best and reaching as fast as possible the top level of European science thanks strategic partnership. This is the aim of the European Commission which will help European research centres with a strong potential of growth towards excellence. Success within the first call for Twinning with even three projects out of five selected for funding in the Czech Republic proved that the strategy of international growth is on the right way at CEITEC. A close interconnection with several outstanding and successful scientific institutions gives CEITEC the opportunity to move forward in specific scientific fields. 

The main objectives of the Twinning projects are to strengthen the research directions which proved to be successful at international level and to open the innovation potential for future. These objectives are in the centre of CEITEC collaboration with prestigious scientific institutions with the aim to leverage international competitiveness of CEITEC during next few years. The Twinning projects will be implemented by CEITEC Masaryk University and will focus on medical genomics and bioinformatics, structural biology, and nanosystems for biosensors. In addition, the partnership will cover exchange of experience in the field of research management and support. CEITEC MU will co-operate on these topics with experts from excellent scientific centres from Great Britain, Austria, Germany, Greece, France, Italy and Sweden.    

The true interest of outstanding European research institutions in collaboration with us is a clear signal that CEITEC posted Masaryk University on the scientific map of Europe and all the world”, said Jiří Nantl, the CEITEC MU Director.  

Today, three Twinning projects have been officially launched with participation of all partners. They include a wide range of activities such as lectures, joint workshops, summer schools, as well as bidirectional activities covering incoming and outgoing mobility of researchers and experts. Our young researchers will get the chance to choose their mentors abroad, go for a study stay or take part in prestigious courses abroad which are not commonly available. The financial contribution for CEITEC MU to support international collaboration amounts nearly 47 million CZK for three years.

 „Together with the European Commission we expect concrete results of Twinning collaboration during the next three years and beyond. We strive for increase in our publication outputs in the best journals such as Science a Nature, in gaining international grants as signs of a top level science as well as for increase in interest of international students in our CEITEC Ph.D. school,” explained Jaroslav Koča, the Scientific Director of CEITEC.