
Researchers' Night 2023 at CEITEC MUNI

About event

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science," said Albert Einstein, while changing the world from his desk. Let's experience this feeling together and let science reveal its greatest secrets. Explore, discover, and enjoy the knowledge. What question are you seeking the answer to? Unleash your curiosity and unlock the gateway to the marvellous mysteries of the entire world.

Come and enjoy the night of science at CEITEC Masaryk University! This year with the subtitle "MYSTERY". The entire program will take place in pavilion E35, admission is free. All activities are English-friendly!


October 6 from 18:00 to 24:00

Mirror, Mirror, Please Tell Me, Who Is he Most Like Me?

Each human shares approximately 99.9% of their DNA with another human. But that's not all! We also share a significant portion of our DNA with other animals and even plants. Why is that? It's because all living cells need to do similar things, and for that, they require a similar recipe in the form of a similar DNA sequence. Through an interactive experience with us, you will discover whom we share the most genes with. Along with new knowledge, you will also take home a small reward.

Specification of location: CEITEC E35, 211

Green Heartbeat of Our Planet

Did you know, that in plant body, crucial secrets for our existence on Earth are hidden? Let's begin the journey, during which we will explore these mysteries. Together, we will uncover the secrets of how plants contribute to the air we breathe, create food, and understand the role of these silent heroes in our ecosystem. It will be a fascinating exploration for curious minds, revealing the “green heartbeat” of our planet.

Specification of location: CEITEC E35, 211

We (Don't) Know What You're Thinking

Wondering what we can detect with current brain imaging technologies? Why are we unable to interpret all our thoughts and perceptions unambiguously? In an interactive way, we will introduce you to methods and techniques that help us to better understand how the brain works. You will be able to try out some of these techniques for yourself and during guided tours of the labs we will show you where it all takes place.

Specification of location: CEITEC E35, atrium

Mysterious Alzheimer

Do you wonder, what is going on in the brain during Alzheimer's disease? What is amyloid Beta and tau protein? Who are tauoist? Come to discover the molecular symptoms of dementia and learn how we investigate the causes of neurodegeneration. We will explain how the knowledge of proteins helps with drug discovery and that even after more than 100 years Alzheimer still keeps unsolved mysteries.

Specification of location: CEITEC E35, atrium

Every Seed Carries a Secret

Can we see how the plant looks like at the very beginning? And what happens if it is too hot? Discover the beginnings of plant life in each seed, learn about plant defenses against high temperatures and see how plants look in such an environment. It's not only animals that don't think about reproduction in such a heat.

Specification of location: CEITEC E35, 211

Seeing Invisible

We show you the virus particles magnified 100,000 times in an electron microscope. You will learn that as well as viruses that are dangerous to humans, there are also viruses that are potentially very beneficial to humans. In a fun way, we will see how viruses are studied using electron microscopy and what we can learn about their function and life cycle from microscopic data.

Specification of location: CEITEC E35, atrium

Mystery of Nanoworld

Nanoworld, the realm of nanotechnology, has significantly impacted everyday life. It has revolutionized consumer electronics, making devices more powerful and compact. In medicine, nanoscale materials enable targeted drug delivery and enhanced diagnostics. Nanotechnology has also led to stain-resistant clothing, water purification, and improved energy efficiency. From sports equipment to personal care products, its influence extends across various industries.

Specification of location: CEITEC E35, atrium


More information

More information is on the official website


6. 10. 2023, 18:00 - 23:59
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Bc. Barbora Truksová
Bc. Barbora Truksová


CEITEC MUNI, University Campus, Brno Bohunice, Building E35